Blog del Liceo "Megara" di Augusta IT per il Partenariato multilaterale Comenius LLP 2011-2013 "Water: the Spring of Life"

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“Il valore dell’acqua” 22 marzo 2013 – Giornata mondiale dell’acqua

Monitoraggio delle risorse idriche sotterranee e interventi per il controllo dell’intrusione marina e per la riduzione dell’inquinamento da attività agricole: questo è il principale obiettivo che il progetto di ricerca “Moriso” ha presentato il 22 marzo 2013 durante un convegno indetto in occasione della giornata mondiale dell’acqua, a Ragusa.
In questa occasione la mia classe, la II Ar del Liceo Classico e la IV A del Liceo Socio-psicopedagogico, si sono recate a Ragusa per partecipare alla confernza e per prendere informazioni, vista la nostra partecipazione al progetto Comenius “Water:spring of the life” 2011-2013.
“Il valore dell’acqua” è il titolo della conferenza, incentrata proprio sull’inquinamento dell’acqua, sulla quantità delle risorse idriche sotterrane, sulla qualità dell’eventuale acqua, potabile, prelevabile dai pozzi e sull’eccessivo utilizzo dell’acqua, in particolare nell’arcipelago maltese e nella provincia di Ragusa, la cui gestione integrata e sostenibile delle risorse idriche è di fondamentale importanza per lo sviluppo socioeconomico.
In questi territori, infatti, nell’ultimo decennio, il problema acqua non solo è quantitativo, ma soprattutto qualitativo.
I fertilizzanti, i diserbanti e i pesticidi, adoperati dalle aziende agricole, si infiltrano nel terreno provocando così l’inquinamento delle falde.
Inoltre, vi è anche un eccessivo sfruttamento delle risorse idriche, soprattutto a Ragusa, dove non vi è restrizione dell’uso d’acqua, e nelle zone costiere, l’intrusione marina e perciò la salinizzazione delle falde.
Secondo l’Ing. Vincenzo Corallo, della Provincia Regionale di Ragusa, la contaminazione delle acque non è dovuta solamente alle aziende zootecniche, e cerca di sensibilizzare in particolare i giovani, affermando che vi è la necessità di risolvere il problema con urgenza.
Alcuni dati ci ricordano che a livello mondiale l’utilizzo d’acqua è moltissimo: una persona utilizza 30 litri di acqua al giorno: 5 per cucinare, 25 per lavarsi; una famiglia in Canada 350 litri, in Europa 165, mentre in africa solamente 20; la popolazione è cresciuta del 3%, mentre la richiesta di acqua del 6%; costo dell’acqua è 300 miliardi di dollari annui.
Il problema acqua investe da vicino anche Malta, che in questi giorni se ne trova completamente privata.
La scarsità d’acqua a Malta, è dovuta sia al clima, come quello siciliano, con piogge in inverno ed estati aride, sia alla grande densità demografica.
Infatti, come ci riferisce l’ingegnere Manuel Sapiano della Malta Resorce Authority, nella sua relazione, l’isola di Malta ha la densità di popolazione più alta d’Europa, 1200 ab./km quadrato (Italia 200 ab./km quadrato), perciò si ha meno acqua di quello che serve realmente. Si parla di circa 60 milioni di litri, quando se possiede solamente la metà.
Per questo problema vi sono solamente due soluzioni: o ridurre il consumo o creare altre risorse.
Ad esempio, la mancanza di risorse spinge alla desalinizzazione delle acque, in modo da produrre abbastanza acqua per soddisfare il fabbisogno. Tuttavia, secondo Sapiano, “questa soluzione è troppo facile, e il problema c’è e rimane e non può essere risolto con la tecnologia”. Così, propone l’uso delle acqua reflue.
Inoltre, dice, si può operare sul livello delle case e ci sono diversi modi per il ridurre il consumo domestico, industriale e agricolo dell’acqua. Queste misure, importanti per la salvaguardia dell’acqua, un bene prezioso, possono in futuro essere adottate anche a livello mondiale poichè sia Malta che la Sicilia non sono isolate “ma fanno anche parte di un mondo, in cui di sprechi non sono pochi”.
Interessanti sono stati anche i dati forniti dal Dott. Giuseppe Spartà nella sua relazione riguardo il progetto Moriso, i cui power point possono essere consultati nel sito
Infine, il convegno è terminato con la premiazione di ben cinque foto, tra le quali due della nostra scuola (Daniele Manzella, secondo posto e Francesca Boscarino il premio della critica), del concorso fotografico “Il valore dell’acqua”, indetto proprio in occasione della giornata mondiale dell’acqua.

Partecipare a questa conferenza, per me e per i miei compagni è stata un’occasione importante per capire i problemi riguardanti le risorse idriche e per apprendere come comportarsi in futuro, nel caso in cui, i problemi adesso affrontati da Malta e dalla Provincia di Ragusa, investano il nostro territorio.
Giorgia Spinali II Ar


The coasts of Augusta

The Latomy of Paradise

According to L. Maugeri the Byzantines named the Latomy of Paradise. It is just as big as the Latomy of the Capuchins, but has a less complex structure. Located within the Latomy of Paradise there are the Ear of Dionysius and the Grotta dei Cordari (Cave of the Rope-makers). It is between 20 and 30 metres deep. Originally it must have been partly covered to protect the rock from being infiltrated with rain water which would have made it too friable, and therefore, unsuitable for construction. Naturally the covering also served another purpose; it protected the slaves who were imprisoned within. Like the Ear of Dionysius and the Cave of the Rope- makers, the Cave of the Salnitro is part of the Latomy of Paradise. It was excavated by using a particular technique where the diggers left some parts of the rock untouched, to be used as supporting pillars for the vault. Due to various collapses, caused by erosion and earthquakes, only one of these pillars remains standing, and it is known as Tower of Dionysius.


The Ear of Dionysius, is an artificial cavern excavated from the Latomy of Paradise which measures 61 metres long and 20 metres wide. It has extraordinary acoustic properties-a whisper at one end of the cavern-is perfectly audible at the other end. In 1856, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio gave this cavern its name. To him we owe the legend that Dionysius tyrant of Syracuse, had it purposely excavated in order to hear the conversations of the prisoners who were imprisoned within. According to another theory, which takes into consideration the dimensions as well as the particular shape of the grotto, it was excavated to serve as a resonance box for the Greek Theatre, which was adjacent to the area.


The Grotta dei Cordari (The Cave of the Rope-makers) is an artificial cavern about ten metres away from the Ear of Dionysius. Its ceiling rests on pillars which become thinner towards the top. These pillars demonstrate the type of excavating methods used at the inception of the latomies. This grotto, in fact, is part of the Latomy of Paradise and derives its name from the rope-makers who have used this spot for centuries. They used very primitive methods to make rope, and therefore, took advantage of the humidity of the grotto which allowed the rope to dry without shrinking when it got wet.


The Roman Amphitheatre


The Roman Amphitheatre is an Imperial construction. It’s unusually big and elliptical in form. It was built between the 3rd and 4th centuries A.D. when the Romans celebrated “naumachie” (mock naval battles)  and gladiatorial blood sports. Only in 1839 the Amphitheatre was excavated liberating it from the dirt, vegetation and the superimposed structures which completely covered it.

The pit has an oval form, surrounded by a high parapet. According to a very rigid subdivision of sectors and connected by series of passages, the middle and upper orders of the steps were destined to less affluent classes.

A basin was located in the centre of the arena which would be filled whit water to stage the “naumachie” games. The water flowed through and underground conduct from a Roman pool, which got its water from a spring located a little more than a kilometer of distance.

The arena had seen three constructive phases: the first dates back to the 6th century B.C, of Greek origin; the second one is from the Hellenistic-Roman period, and therefore, contemporary to the Amphitheatre: and the third is Medieval, when the Normans in the 11th century built, above it, the Church of San Nicolò dei Cordari.


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The Wetlands

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Brucoli is an hamlet of Augusta.
Now we are in Campolato zone, in the East of the seaside village of Brucoli, which was founded in XVI century.
In the West of Brucoli there’s the Canal, which is the mouth of the Porcaria river, named in this way because in the past pigs pastured here.
Originally the canal was called Παντακιας.
On the walls, along the canal, many caves are visible, typical houses of the Neolithic age. To the west of the canal opens a wide area, “The Gisira”.
In front of us it is possible to admire the Etna, a lot important for the Sicily and for Brucoli, too, because preannounced the weather conditions and it was a point of referent for the fishermen.
The Etna, which with its 3340 metres is the higher Vulcan in Europe,
was called “mons jebel”, that means “mount of excellence”.
All of territory of Brucoli is constitued by lime stone, except the Brucoli’s creek, where there is a clayey ground.
From the lime stone was produced the lime, which was exported by the “varchi i petra” or stone boats.
The “carcaria” was the furnace where was produced the lime.
In the low Campolato zone, named “tri puttusa”, too, is situated , where the soldiers hided themselves to avoid the disembark.
In the Campolato zone there are two trenches, too.
In this territory is a lot diffused the phenomenon of the “tonnara”, a system used for the tuna fish peach.
The killing of the tuna fish is called harpooned and the boss in named rais.
In the zone that extend between Arcile and Campolato there is a “posidoneto”, which is part of the SIC (site of interest of European Union).
The “posidonia” form the “badda i mare” or sea ball.
Now we are in “Piazza Castello”. The castle was built in XV century to defend Brucoli by the Saracens pirates.
Here there was the charger of wheat, called “la Bruca”, from this name derive the present name of the village: Brucoli.
In 1693, because of a strong earthquake , the central tower, which was more high than now , fell down and then was rebuilt.
The perimeter fence was built between in the XVI century.
• On 11th May 2012 our class went to a school trip to Brucoli with our foreign friends. They are from Estonia, Turkey, Spain and France. Before going to Brucoli we had lunch at Navy Officers’ Club. They appreciate the lunch and they like a lot Italian food. Then we arrived by coach to Campolato Zone. There we told our guests and their teacher about the place. After that we had a bath in Tri Puttusa and we had fun. Next we visited the Brucoli’s Canal and we had a tour by boat as for as the castle. Finally we had dinner at Pizzeria “Miramare.” We ate different kinds of pizza and our guests were happy. In the end we went to home. It was a fantastic experience.



Written by:  Giulia Spatola and Elena Ferro

2nd Meeting in Ferrol, Galicia – Spain

The day when I knew to have been selected to attend the second meeting of the European Comenius project, that would take place in the city of Ferrol, in Spain, I was very confused and scared because before then there had never been the opportunity to go abroad without my parents. Then I slowly began to get courage until I got there overflowing with enthusiasm and determination. I’m a very shy girl because I’m not good at socializing spontaneously, just because of my lack of self confidence in relating with others. But now, thanks to this fantastic experience I can say that something changed in me and every day I feel to face life with greater maturity and without fear.
Every moment lived there was unique and unforgettable with people of my age, adults, children from other areas of the world with different traditions or customs. Everyone told me that travelling is interesting especially when you are hosted in the by local people who speak a different languages. I could not believe that because I thought it would have been difficult for me to be able to understand each of their words, and adapt to all conditions. When I arrived there, all fear vanished, because I had the impression as if I lived a fairy tale far from my house, but near to those who gave me love and although they couldn’t understand my languages helped me in every moment.
In conclusion I think that everybody needs to live this experience, not only to visit landscapes never seen or to improve the English lexical skill, but also to appreciate every little gesture of affection shown with a simple and sincere smile from someone you get to know in few days. All that will leave strong emotions experienced together in my heart forever. I hope that every travelling companions of mine everything will feel the same feeling of a special inner growth beyond every border.
Maria Chiara Castorina IIAr

Sicilian rivers

Sicilian RiverCloud

Sicilian RiverCloud

Sicilian rivers and lakes

The Sicilian island is drained by several rivers, most of which flow through the central area and enter the sea at the south of the island.

The Sicilian rivers are all limited in scope and extent. They are called north Apennine rivers, originating from the most important Sicilian mountain ranges, Nebrodi, Madonie and  Peloritani.

The rivers of Sicily are mostly torrential rivers because in summer they are almost  perpetually dry. They have a brief course and are called “fiumare”. They are very similar to those of Calabria.

The main rivers are the Alcantara, the Simeto and its tributary Gornalunga, the Anapo (leading to the Ionian coast); the Torto, or Northern Imera and the Oreto (that flow on the Tyrrhenian); the Dirillo, the Gela, the Salso or southern Imera, the Belice and the Platani (south coast).

The only rivers that reach appreciable size are Salso or southern Imera, the longest in the island, and Simeto, the one with the widest watershed.

The longest and with the more capacious course of water, are Simeto and Alcantara that flow in Ionian Sea.

Regarding the lakes, very few are of natural origin. One of the few remaining is the lake Pergusa. More numerous are the coastal lakes such as “Biviere  Gela” (LIPU nature reserve), the marshes of Pachino, Tindari and Messina.

The most important rivers have been barred by creating reservoirs exploited for  domestic  use and irrigation. Among the most important dams are Lake dell’Ancipa, Pozzillo (the largest in the  island), Lake Dirillo Disueri, all of a minimum flow.

In our area the Lake of Lentini, or “Biviere, was dried up during the Fascist government, because of the malaria, but now it has been artificially recreated and now it’s a very important area for birdwatching.

In our area, among the numerous important wildlife natural reserves and protected areas we chose to focus our attention to the river Anapo, the Cyane, a minor river of Syracusa, the enchanted lakelets of Pantalika and the salt ponds of Augusta.

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