Blog del Liceo "Megara" di Augusta IT per il Partenariato multilaterale Comenius LLP 2011-2013 "Water: the Spring of Life"

Archive for February, 2012

Our fantastic class 1Ar Liceo Classico





Hello, our names are Chiara and Martina. We attend the “Liceo Classico Mègara sez. Scientifica annessa”, a secondary school in Augusta.

In this school there are three courses: human science, scientific studies and classical studies.

Our class is formed by ninenteen students, sixteen girls and three boys.
The lessons start at 8.15, three times a week they finish at 12.15 and on the other days they finish at 13.15.

We attend the first class and we study: Italian, Latin, Greek (which are heavy work!) Geography, History, English, Science, Math, Physical Education (PE) and Religion.
We will start studying Literature at the third year.

In our class there aren’t wall posters on the walls, so we are preparing some posters for the Comenius project.

We usually go to the language laboratory to work at different activities with our English teacher. Sometimes we use the ‘IWB’ Interactive Whiteboard with Geography teacher.

Finally, we are a very united class, we get along very well with eachother, and we think that learning together is really beautiful.

Our amiable class – 3rd B SPP

Our photoset

Hello everyone! I’m Dalila…I attend the third year of high school “Megara” in Augusta.

My class is the III B of Liceo sociopsicopedagogico.

It’s formed by 9 girls and 1 boy. We are very cheerful and curious, but we’re also reliable and disciplined. We study lots of subjects such as: Philosophy,Italian, Music, Latin, Chemistry, Maths, English and finally Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology which are the most important subjects in our course of studies.

What are they like?

oh, I think they are really interesting and very enjoyable.

Anyway we’re so proud to take part in “Comenius” project because it is an opportunity to make friends with foreign students and to know their different cultures.

We’re sure we’ll work well together to achieve the project objectives and…why not, to have a good time! We’re looking forward to it!

Our wacky class – 3rd A SPP

My class is the 3rd A Liceo sociopsicopedagogico. In my class there are eleven girls and two boys. In our course of human and social studies the specific subjects are: Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Pedagogy and Music and the other subjects are common to other courses: Maths, Italian, English, Science and Latin. Our lessons start at 8.15 a.m. and we finish at 2.15 p.m., but on Friday and Saturday we finish school at quarter past one. At 11.10 there is a 10-minute-break.

In our school we have got a language laboratory with computers, microphones and earphones and a science laboratory for chemistry and biology.

We haven’t got a gymnasium at the moment, because they are restoring it, but students can go out to play sports en plein air in the school courtyard. The school offers us a lot of projects in the afternoon for example English exams with Trinity College London and Cambridge KET and PET and European Computer Driving Licence ECDL.

In our class we are very lively and noisy sometimes, but we know when to become serious, we like talking with teachers and other students a lot, we are very outgoing and spontaneous. We do a lot of extra-school activities, sports, hobbies and school group projects.

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